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    Firefox Add-Ons For Anonymous Search And Privacy

    While surfing internet or just searching for something, our personal information about our browsing activities or interests, behavioral data is tracked by sites that we do not know. This may be of a concern if you like to keep your surfing information hidden for online privacy. This information is mostly tracked by 1000 of ad network, Google analytic, Facebook, web publishers. Information collected can used to generate leads and display ads which can be of interest to user.

    Even if it may not be a concern, still you can see and detect such invisible trackers by using Firefox add-on which will help you  not only in finding these trackers but also blocking them.


    This is most effective add-on which easily detects invisible trackers and blocks them, these tracker lists are displayed on alert bubble whenever a new page loads. You can check the list of trackers, Advertising, analytics with company names, their website links and number of cookies blocked. It has many options allowing you to scan and block images, iframes, object tag. This plugin is free and very well takes care of online privacy.

    Ghostery firefox add-on

    Private Anonymous Search

    Ghostery Privatelee

    This add-on is known for its secure search, acting as private search engine which combines the best results from Google, Bing and also HTTPS. It will not save your IP address, no trackers,  no ad network cookies. You can be anonymous and  use its search engine and look for websites, images and more.


    This add-on also helps you to see who is tracking online browsing activities in real time. Though it doesn't  give protection or stop sites from tracking you but it shows how sites keep track of your online activities without  your knowledge or consent by using cookies which help them in knowing your browsing preference and serve with targeted ads of user's interest. This is shown in image data graph displaying interaction between companies and trackers.

    Collusion add-on for firefox

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