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    New Look Features From Windows 8 Release

    Current Windows 8 release as latest OS has followed after its earlier pre release versions from September 2011 to October 2012. Available versions are suitable for desktops, laptop, ultrabooks, tablets, windows phone.

    Windows 8 os with its new features is particularly focused on mobile devices like tablets, android and ios so the decision will be entirely yours to upgrade from old x86 CPU to "Windows RT" (tablets and the Microsoft Surface) machine using ARM-based processor like NVIDIA Tegra 3. Apart from tile based user interface (formerly as Metro UI style) with touch screen new Windows 8's interface includes:

    1. Faster startup time with an overall improved performance.

    2. You will get new start screen with tile arrangement look where you can easily flip around apps, emails, news items, daily weather report.

    3. Cloud storage capacity by signing up with Microsoft account with capacity to store your internet explorer favorites, mails, pictures, passwords.

    4. Its perfect for desktops, tablets with touch screens where you can switch between different apps, move things smoothly. This all can be done with mouse also.

    5. You get a lot of apps with access to new app store which are free and one you can try before you buy. You can have access new basic apps like skydrive (for cloud storage ), skype (for voice chat), people (email, social network) messaging, music (download, listen songs, playlists).

    6. Better wi fi re-connectivity.

    7. Better security with built in antivirus software with UEFI boot to prevent malware from loading and improvement in performance.

    8. Task Manager with new design interface

    9. Multimedia apps like Xbox Music, Xbox SmartGlass, Xbox video.

    10. Improved internet explorer browser 10 with faster loading sites, easy navigation, malware protection with support for html5 standard. You can pin to your start screen for instant access.

    windows pro 8 OS

        Windows 8 pro is available for $39.99 and upgrade for recent windows 7 buyers will be available for $14.99. You can download upgrade assistant program to check hardware compatibility with Windows 8.

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