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    How to make and Optimize Website Content for top Google Rank

    All my reader friends there is a whole lot of articles and suggestions on the net as for how to Rank your site to no #1 position in the Google and with it how to  increase targeted Google website traffic. For me the answer is if you achieve the first you automatically get the later. With this I would  like to add in that it is not important that your page will be ranked always to the No #1 spot but the most important is it should get indexed on the first page of Google may be on a 2nd, 3rd or 4th position so on with the search for which it has been made. I would like to share mine experiences with you and hope it will help you out and clear the air over the subject of optimizing your site with increased page ranking. There are here some important points that I will discuss with you one by one:

    Seo Optimize

     When you make a website/blog always try to be original with unique content generated. This is a very important fact and you must have already read out that ‘content is the king’. This is a in doubtful fact but with this there is  an another point that what sells in the market is that which can be sold easily’, what it means you have to check out what people want to see and read over the online world. This sets your primary but a very significant step towards search engine optimization (seo).

    Google likes original and unread content if you have something such your site will be indexed within 24 to 48 hours as Google crawls fastest compared to other search engines.

    With this I would discourage you against using article spinners as they might not guarantee you 100% original article, still if you are using them check out your article for plagiarism from some important websites for free like:-

    1. Copyscape

    2. Duplichecker

    3. Plagium

    You can also check out from the Google search engine for duplicity by putting bit by bit parts of your article in the search. Google will search out websites having same content.

    Even if you have original content  for your blog choose your topic wisely,’ check out for competition, see there are how many sites that have written on the same topic and what new or unread you can add to it.

    Now with all these I am sure half of your battle to optimize your site is won. Now the second stage comes and totally belongs to Keywords, choose your keywords wisely according to the niche of your article. Keywords can be considered as the life line of the search engine optimization process.With these keywords is made the Meta ‘title’,'description’,and tags for your page.And these keywords should be in the content of your topic at least towards the starting part.

    After this comes submission of your website- you only need to submit just your index page to the main big search engine Google once for which you want to get ranked. You can also submit to other search engines like Yahoo and Bing.You must make sure that all your pages are indexed properly.To this point I would like to add some few things more that you must follow before submission and these will help you in long term. Make sure to create an account in Google Analytics and  Google Webmaster Tools .These two tools help to monitor and improve your website.
    The older your site with covering  a large variety of topics it will get  more preferred by the search engine.
    Feed your post in social network websites like Facebook and Twitter and join groups and communities there according to your website interest.
    Last make comments in websites relevant to your niche that give do follow backlinks .

    All of these points might help you out in what you want to achieve with the power of unique content in article.

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